Chuck Curtis, President 2024-2025

Club Mission and History

The purpose of The Cosmopolitan Club is to foster and promote good fellowship and good citizenship among its members and to provide opportunities for the members and their guests to be involved in social activities, charitable activities, educational programs and to exchange information and ideas on matters of mutual interest and concern. We are a non-profit and non-partisan organization and take no official stance on any subject.

The Cosmopolitan Club was organized in 1949 by Chester T. Price, founder, organizer and first President. Prior to his death in 1984, "Chet" Price told of the steps which led to its founding, as excerpted below:

"After concluding that Santa Barbara had need of a luncheon club, composed entirely of professional and business men, I invited such men to attend a luncheon meeting at the Barbara Hotel, on June 21, 1949. Forty-four men attended that meeting. This Club was formally organized on July 21, 1949.”

“I served as president for the first year, and declined re-election because I believed the officers should rotate. I confess to being proud that this Club has become a better and better Club in each successive year. And for that we are indebted to the administrations which followed mine.”

“This Club is a monument to all of the officers, directors and committee members, who have given of their time and ability in the succeeding years, to make it the unique and outstanding organization that it is today."

The Cosmopolitan Club is an incorporated nonprofit.

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